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The Most Sought After Jobs and Skills of 2030

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The Most Sought After Jobs and Skills of 2030

It is disruption to human life that anoints moments as a turning point in history.  Previously wars and now with the corona-virus pandemic effecting not the stability of our healthcare systems  and the global economy, other issues are front and centre such as partisan leaders at the helm of the most influential countries in the world, the climate crisis closing in...  There are a lot of factors that we must take into consideration as we look ahead to making predictions about the future.

We have turned to experts to look at the most promising career paths for the next decade. The Oxford Martin School and Nesta have worked in conjunction to cast projections as to which skills and jobs will be in the highest demand throughout the next decade. They have looked at what the world will need, and what people will want, and produced a thorough report of their findings.

 Is there a gap or niche in your industry that you feel you might be able to fill? Is there some upskilling work that you could do, in order to be better prepared for the demands of the future? These are all things to consider in reading the following summation of the Oxford Martin School & Nesta, “Most Sought After Jobs and Skills of 2030” report.

How was the Report Produced?

Utilising extremely large job trend datasets, and analysing this data through seven different lenses that represent how our world will change throughout the next decade.  This survey uses western countries to collect data and not exclusive to Australia.

  1. Globalisation

  2. Demographic change

  3. Environmental sustainability

  4. Urbanisation

  5. Increasing inequality

  6. Political uncertainty

  7. Technological Change & Automation

What are the Predicted Most Sought After Jobs for 2030?

The most sought after jobs include:

  • Engineers

  • Preschool, Primary, Secondary and Special Education School Teachers

  • Food Preparation and Hospitality Trades

  • Animal Care and Service Workers

  • Sports and Fitness Occupations

  • Lawyers, Judges and related workers

  • Natural and Social Science Professionals

  • Teaching and Education Professionals

  • Managers and Proprietors in Hospitality and Leisure Services

  • Personal Appearance Workers

  • Health and Social Services Managers and Directors

  • Counsellors, Social Workers, and other community and social service specialists

  • Therapy professionals

  • Librarians, curators and archivists

  • Artistic, literary and media occupations

  • Public Services and other associate professionals

  • Entertainers and Performers, and related workers

Ultimately, these projects reflect the fundamental needs of our society; care, service, education, health and entertainment. Therefore, we can find comfort in that these fundamental factors will not change, and the landscape of the work force will not become unrecognisable any time soon.

What Kinds of Skills and Abilities Will be in Demand in 2030?

  • Complex problem solving

  • System analysis

  • Monitoring

  • Learning strategies

  • Judgement and decision making

  • Psychology

  • Fluency of ideas

  • Instructing

  • Active learning

  • Social perceptiveness

  • Sociology and Anthropology

  • Originality

  • Education and training

  • System evaluation

  • Coordination

  • Deductive reasoning

Education systems will need to alter their approaches to favour the growth of these skills. At the moment, educational systems across the western world tend to prioritise the teaching of information, facts and processes, rather than exercise that encourage more abstract skill learning.

A Case Study: Engineers in 2030

If we take an example of Engineers in 2020, and apply one of the lenses that will cause a shift in the nature of the skills required for this job in 2030, we can see significant differences begin to emerge.

For example, if we chose the lens of Urbanisation.

Due to our ever increasing population, we need to be constantly innovating the way in which we make the most of the space that we have to live within.  Here in WA it is much less of an issue than say, Shanghai.

Engineers will need to understand not only infrastructural mechanics, but also the mechanics of human interaction and movement. In order to sustain large cities, once the climate crisis creates food shortages, urban farming will need to prioritised. Buildings will need to serve dual functions, as both centres for living and for production. A certain level of engagement with societal structures is therefore needed.

 As a result of all of these factors, engineers of 2030 will be required to have a different set of skills than what would normally be associated with the role. These may include:

  • Social perceptiveness

  • Service orientation

  • Knowledge of sociology and anthropology

With these skills becoming potentially crucial for engineers in 2030, educational institutions need to ensure that their programs are broadening beyond mechanical knowledge. Also, people with the engineering career pathway in mind, need to take it upon themselves to gain the education and knowledge that may be needed to achieve this kind of lateral thinking, and new social approach to engineering.

Titan Recruitment are experts at helping navigate your career path, and exposing you to incredible opportunities, to set you up in the best position possible for the future. For more information on the services that Titan Recruitment provides, please see our website.

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