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How to Become THE Candidate, Not Just a Candidate.

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How to Become THE Candidate, Not Just a Candidate

In recent times, employers have begun to utilise various interview settings to better understand who their candidate is throughout the recruitment process. Although it is still the predominant style, not all interviews are confined to a one-on-one in the boss’s office or an intimidating boardroom. Many businesses are opting for a more relaxed or informal style of interview. Some choose to conduct all initial interviews online or begin with larger group interviews in assessing their candidates.

The key to becoming THE candidate that employers are looking for is knowing yourself and being comfortable in any setting.

Being comfortable in any setting may sound easier said than done. However, you will find that you feel at ease and confident going into your interview with the simple formula provided below.

All you need to do is count down from 4.

In preparing the following 4 points, you will have all the tools to make a lasting impression on the employer.

4. Stories

The most engaging form of communication is storytelling. Reading out a list of your accomplishments will never be as intriguing to the employer, as learning about your experience through a well-told story.

We recommend that you craft four stories:

  • Two stories that focus on your career journey. One story should detail a success or achievement, and one should detail a failure that you overcame.

  • Two stories that focus on your personal life. Similarly, one story should focus on a moment of achievement, and one on a moment of persevering through failure or hardship.  

It may seem counterintuitive to speak of failure when you are trying to impress your employer. However, it is important to demonstrate to your employer that you are the type of person who is willing to take risks and can recoup, persevere, and thrive after a failure. Ultimately, someone who has never failed has never been courageous enough to try. The important thing is to end the story on a positive note by highlighting what you have learnt from this experience.

When crafting the story, stick to the tried-and-true formula that we all enjoyed as children:

  • Start with a brief beginning, quickly establishing any background information.

  • Add some drama to the middle, with a touch of suspense.

  • Ensure that the ending of the story contains a discussion of the valuable lessons you learnt throughout.

Keep your stories short and sharp, avoiding excessive detail. They should speak to who you are, highlighting your best qualities. Practise these stories with friends and families and be open to their feedback. These stories will are helpful for interviews, as well as networking functions or informal gatherings.

3. Statistics

It is essential to demonstrate your in-depth knowledge of the industry and quickly reference the achievements of projects you have participated in. 

The use of specific, measurable outcomes within a conversation will give the interviewer a sense that you are inquisitive enough to research, intelligent and detailed oriented, and have the work ethic to strive for a greater understanding of your industry.

If you were to have a conversation with a stranger about your career right now -
Could you quote 3 statistics relevant to your job role, the industry you work in, or the direction of the state of the market?

Before going into the interview, ensure that the answer is yes.

As you become more experienced in the art of interviewing, you will find ways to weave these statistics into conversations elegantly. However, to begin with, practice slotting detailed facts into conversations with family and friends to make the process feel more natural.

2.  Quotations

Employers may ask questions regarding your motivations or figures that you find inspiring in your industry. Why not borrow an answer from one of the greats?

 Having quotations from influential figures detailing your motivations or ethos behind your work ethic, can make your answer sound polished and passionate.

What two quotations do you have that motivate you, can be applied to your industry, or describe the ethos behind your work ethic?

For example, some useful quotes may include:

In regards to overcoming failure and problem solving:

“If you do what you have always done, you’ll get what you have always gotten.” – Tony Robbins

“I have not failed, but found 1000 ways not to make a light bulb.” – Thomas Edison

On being open to learning and thinking outside of the box:

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.” – Stephen Hawking

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” – Steve Jobs

Find quotations that suit you, and practice slotting them into conversations as you prepare for your interview with a friend or family member.

  1. Question

Work on having at least one ‘go-to’ question that you can ask anyone in either a work or networking setting. The question should demonstrate your depth of thinking, genuine interest, and willingness to understand.

For example, adapt this question to a business or personal situation:

“When you look back on your last 5 years [in business] [or personal life], is there one significant event that you wish you could change?”

Posing authentic questions in an interview separates you from the many candidates who merely ask, “What should I expect from the position?”

Find a question that fits your personality, and only use it when it feels like it fits nicely into the conversation with the employer.

Become THE Candidate with Titan Recruitment

Mastering the 4,3,2,1 formula may take some practice and preparation. However, once you do, you will be positioned as THE CANDIDATE the employer has been looking for, and not just another applicant they will let pass by.

For further information, regarding the recruitment services that Titan Recruitment has to offer, get in touch with our team.


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